You can't beat God's giving
“Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow" (James 1:17) The other morning, I was sitting on the front porch with my dad watching passers-by while drinking coffee. The conversation turned to giving and receiving. My dad mentioned "Give as God has given to You." I thought for a minute and said I can't give as much as God has given to me. Dad said think of it this way. God gives without strings attached and it's not necessarily money. Do an inventory of yourself and see do you meet that criterion.
This scripture came to mind, "I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous abandoned or his seed begging for bread" (Psalm 37:25). I am that seed looking back over my life and have seen how I have been blessed by the prayers and actions of my parents, and grandparents. My daughter graduated school a few years ago and the tuition for the colleges she wanted to attend ranged from $35,000 to almost $60,000 a year. I did not have such funds available to me. She is enrolled in the $60,000 a year school. Through prayers and being a seed, I can truly say she is entering her third-year debt free. I have joined the team of those who are praying often, giving freely (time, talents, treasures) and offering themselves as a witness to God's grace and mercy. This was just one example of not having to beg for bread; believe me there are many.
As a supervisor, I display a pleasant and inviting persona. Because of such, many subordinates, peers, and managers are drawn to me for counseling (job and family matters), comfort (sickness and death of love ones), and conversation (being open, positive and without judgement). I can't beat God's giving.
You can't beat God's giving. It's not necessarily a money thing, it is being obedient to God's will and to God's way. He is speaking to you. Attune your ears to His voice. We are His legs, His arms, and His voice. Avail yourself and let God use you. You never know the bread that you are providing to others.
May God Bless and keep you.
by Alveta Poole
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